New Executives Transition Support (NETS)
Being promoted to an executive position is an important and exciting event. Nevertheless, the excitement can briskly change into contradictory feelings: on the one hand there are enthusiasm and thrill about the trust and opportunity given, on the other hand concerns about being overwhelmed with the new job.
New Executives Transition Support (NETS) is designed to ensure a smooth and effective onboarding and settling into the new position. In the background, it provides a framework that allows to work on all essential and relevant elements of this specific executive transition in order to make it a success.
NETS focusses on 4 core pillars which again fan out into a variety of sub-items and questions that need to be worked on.
- ME the executive, my aspirations and competencies.
- What are my personal objectives and aspirations?
- What is the difference I want to make, the mark I want to leave?
- Which skills and capabilities are required to successfully fill the new position? How do my own competencies match? How do I craft and implement a development plan to fill the relevant skill gaps?
- What is my leadership style, habits and behavior patterns? Where do I have potential for growth?
- WE the relationships I have / need.
- Who are my key stakeholders and how do I build constructive relationships with them?
- How do I want to engage with my co-workers?
- What is the team I will inherit / will lead? How do I make sure to build an effective and aligned team?
- How do I involve my team and relevant stakeholders in developing and implementing a strategy for my function?
- IT the task(s) and responsibilities at hand.
- What is /will be the strategy for my new function?
- What will be the contribution of my function and how will we measure our success?
- Which tasks and responsibilities are we already fulfilling, what do we still need to work on?
- What performance is expected of us, can we provide?
- GLOBE the context I / me and my team are operating in.
- How does my function’s strategy fit into the overall strategy of the company?
- What are our key dependencies and what are ways to build and intensify relationships with those stakeholders?
- What is the corporate culture – what are the informal dos and don’ts and how do I / we best adapt?
NETS not only guides the executive to inquire and explore answers to the above mentioned core questions but also provides a partner-coach on eyelevel to insure integration and application of the insights in a balanced and healthy manner.
The NETS process of executive support typically starts with or shortly after the assignment of the new position and before assuming it. It starts with a definition of individual goals, covering career, new position and other relevant aspects of life. This is followed by an initial competency assessment to identify relevant growth potential. Based on this, an action plan is devised that covers both the time leading up to the first day in the new position as well as the first 100 days in it.
The intervention methods applied in NETS are amongst other:
- personal coaching and mentoring,
- on the job shadowing,
- specific team interventions like team building or strategy development processes,
- focused input and knowledge transfer,
- inquiry journeys for inspiration
- facilitation of peers for sparring
Although every career step is individual, there are a number of recurrent patterns to make transitions a success. The NETS program is crafted to address these and leaves the necessary room for customization where appropriate.
Get in touch with us if this resonates with you and you are interested. We very much look forward to engage with you and together with you inquire which kind of support is most beneficial for your next career step.
Please contact Axel Miller at [email protected]