Self-Leadership Backbone

A 3-day high impact development programme for an effective and successful leadership

Leading yourself is the central prerequisite for leading others. To do so means knowing yourself, building up your personal focus, and developing the personal mastery which is the basis for effective and successful leadership.

Challenge Y-III

An authentic guided breakthrough to one’s own business challenge

This remote programme is designed to bring together colleagues from across the organisation, and help each of them fine tune their individual adaptive business challenges, then jointly work on advancing them, using each other as resources.

We design, develop, execute and anchor transformation and change processes

  • working internationally and across cultures is in our DNA
  • we catalyze generative dialogues to develop solutions to complex challenges
  • working with our clients, we co-create processes that lead into elegant actions

We design, develop, execute and anchor transformation and change processes

  • working internationally and across cultures is in our DNA
  • we catalyze generative dialogues to develop solutions to complex challenges
  • working with our clients, we co-create processes that lead into elegant actions

What we do

With our clients and partners, we co-create solutions to tough challenges. We do so on four levels.

Most of our programs can be tailored to take place remotely.


At this level, we focus on personal growth and enable people to develop the necessary skills and attitudes to successfully deal with themselves, their situations, and the challenges they face.
At this level, we focus on personal growth and enable people to develop the necessary skills and attitudes to successfully deal with themselves, their situations, and the challenges they face.

Teams & Leadership

At this level, we focus on improving the quality of relationships, communication, cooperation and interaction, both inside and between groups and teams.
At this level, we focus on improving the quality of relationships, communication, cooperation and interaction, both inside and between groups and teams.


Here we focus on bigger organizational units or the whole organization. We work on topics such as: organizational development, alignment, culture, vision, strategy and more.
Here we focus on bigger organizational units or the whole organization. We work on topics such as: organizational development, alignment, culture, vision, strategy and more.

Beyond Organizations

At this level we engage in large scale change and transformation across organizations, in communities, in and across sectors and in society itself.
At this level we engage in large scale change and transformation across organizations, in communities, in and across sectors and in society itself.

Latest news

Self Leaderhsip Backbone in italiano: Aprile 16-18

Self Leaderhsip Backbone in italiano: Aprile 16-18

COSA APPRENDERÀ IL PARTECIPANTE NEL CORSO SELF LEADERSHIP BACKBONE: Per crescere come leader, è importante conoscere sé stessi. Questo corso accompagna passo dopo passo attraverso un processo profondo che si concentra su: - Sviluppare capacità di leadership e...

La Fonte della Felicità – la storia ispira (Primo video di tre)

La Fonte della Felicità – la storia ispira (Primo video di tre)   Platone chiama “Daimon” il nostro demone buono. Scoprire il nostro Daimon e farlo esprimere è la fonte della felicità. In questo video, vi offriamo un “lunghissimo” racconto che narra il mito di Er, che ci può ispirare per esplorare...

The Wave

Our co-creation expertise and experience, condensed into one book.

Co-creation as we see it is a journey undertaken by people, usually from different fields and back­grounds, who come together to find meaningful and sustainable answers to complex challenges and to work out together how to effectively implement them.
This manual and the set of cards that goes with it are for people who want to engage mindfully in the process of co-creation.

You can find The Wave on your Amazon store: