We design, develop, execute and anchor transformation and change processes
- working internationally and across cultures is in our DNA
- we catalyze generative dialogues to develop solutions to complex challenges
- working with our clients, we co-create processes that lead into elegant actions

We design, develop, execute and anchor transformation and change processes
- working internationally and across cultures is in our DNA
- we catalyze generative dialogues to develop solutions to complex challenges
- working with our clients, we co-create processes that lead into elegant actions
What we do
With our clients and partners, we co-create solutions to tough challenges. We do so on four levels.

Most of our programs can be tailored to take place remotely.

Teams & Leadership


Beyond Organizations

Latest news
Feedback from Self Leadership Backbone Program
Hear and see what a participant said about his Self Leadership Backbone (SLB). If you are interested, come and join us in our exeptional Tuscany Venture SLB program, in presence! From September 30th to October 3rd, 2022 - country side of Florence Italy.
A true role model
I first met Mike Harris the founder of Kijito Windmills September 2016, on a cross sectorial Leaders’ conference on the future of Kenya looking into the topic of National Kenyan Police Reforms. When I met him again a year later in November 2017 at a Prayer Breakfast...
New Executives Transition Support (NETS)
Being promoted to an executive position is an important and exciting event. Nevertheless, the excitement can briskly change into contradictory feelings: on the one hand there are enthusiasm and thrill about the trust and opportunity given, on the other hand concerns...
The Wave

Our co-creation expertise and experience, condensed into one book.
Co-creation as we see it is a journey undertaken by people, usually from different fields and backgrounds, who come together to find meaningful and sustainable answers to complex challenges and to work out together how to effectively implement them.
This manual and the set of cards that goes with it are for people who want to engage mindfully in the process of co-creation.
You can find The Wave on your Amazon store: